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Registration for the BTS Métiers de l'Eau de Dax is done on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education "parcours sup".

Each year, we receive approximately 300 files for 24 places.


It should be noted that a significant number of places are reserved for baccalaureate holders in the professional sector on the sup course. Few of these students enroll. As a result, there are often places left in September due to the low number of professional baccalaureate holders present as well as last-minute cancellations.

Consequently, if you wish to prepare a Water Professions BTS at the Lycée Borda de Dax, do not hesitate to contact the Lycée at If you are on the waiting list or without a place, at the start of the school year in September, you can contact the Lycée directly at the telephone number above.

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